Future Contract Work

May 10, 2019

I got a phone call yesterday from my recruiter regarding my future contract work.

I'm so excited to work for the client. Right now, I'm just waiting whether or not they will accept the amount I asked for for relocation after my two months training in my home state.

I'm praying that they will!

Yesterday, I went to Marshall's to buy a cute notebook to write my notes during trainings and meetings. Also, I bought a 2020 Planner (Aug 2019 - Dec 2020) to keep track of my meetings and deadlines from work. I'm definitely going to work harder and smarter when I start working again.

What I learned from being laidoff is that everything is going to be okay. Most importantly, make sure you have a large emergency savings for 6 months. Better yet, a year since shit happens if you have a furkid or something breaks in the house or car.  Oh another important thing, it's okay to say no to friends. They will probably give you an attitude or whatever that makes you feel guilty. But you know what? Don't fight them how they are reacting. You do you as long you are not causing drama or harm, you're still a good friend and you realize which friends are more ambitious or goal-oriented to achieve their dreams.

:) I know my social life is going to be 5% to 0%. Do I care about going out like I used to? Not really because I feel like I can cook better and I avoid tipping by percentage. I understand the point of tipping, but tipping based on percentage is just too much when you are trying to budget. I rarely go out to eat or go watch movies. I try to cut it down to every few months or years.

My mindset since I've been laidoff is to stay home to cook delicious foods and watch movies on Amazon Prime and Hulu.

I will go out for shopping or Starbucks to do work and browse the Barnes and Nobles just for fun. :) Good thing the library is still around since they do sell books as well!

As friends in real life? I'll have them but I'll be the friend who focuses on her goals and will be there for her friend to hangout during the day instead of at night. Maybe I'll hangout once in a while at night to socialize but not every weekend.

I guess this is what being 31 when you realize what's more important to you and who you really are.

Can I just say, I can't wait to start working again? I know what I'm going to do with the money when I start working again.

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